Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Kluwe Debacle

This is an issue we've all heard about; well, all the Vikings fans. Yet it's an issue I've just touched the surface of. I really liked Kluwe. He obviously wasn't the best punter in the league, but he did great work for us when he was here. And he was different. I get tired of listening to interviews and statements from players thanking God for their ability and praying to God to perform well. I get tired of them talking about just putting it all out there, trying their best, and having their hard work pay off. That's all good, and is true (except about the God thing. God doesn't care about football), but Kluwe brought something different to the table. His outspokenness was a welcome change. I remember the interview he had with Donovan McNabb where Kluwe detailed all the things McNabb had to agree to before Kluwe would give up number 5. McNabb had to mention Kluwe's band a certain number of times in public appearances, and the new quarterback had to buy Kluwe an ice cream cone. You're not going to see that from the majority of NFL players. Then the Vikings drafted Jeff Locke, Kluwe was cut, and just like that the Vikings had moved on. Until Kluwe said he was going to sue the Vikings for cutting him for his activism and not his ability as a punter.

I am hopelessly addicted to the Vikings. Hopelessly. As in, we could lose our top ten best players and I would still be a Vikings fan. Purple and gold will always be my favorite colors. I can't play as another team in Madden for more than a year without having to go back to the Vikings. I feel guilty, like I'm betraying the Vikings. But this whole thing with Preifer and how the Vikings handled it has made me slightly ill. Not my Vikings, I said. My Vikings couldn't do this. 
Kluwe was cut after the 2012 season, one year shy of the end of his contract. In early January of 2013 he posted an article he wrote, which included a journal-esque account of the past season's events, on about how his reputation with the team and the staff's general feel towards him was steadily going down hill, that his political activism and view on homosexuality played a large part in his being fired. I hadn't read the article until recently. You can read it here: Granted, all of this can't be taken as fact; or at least, one needs to keep an open mind throughout it all. The one thing that really stuck with me, however, is how Priefer acted through all of this. The one comment that is all over the place whenever this situation is brought up claims that Priefer said "We should round up all the gays, send them to an island, and then nuke it until it glows."

Kluwe then said he would sue the Vikings for $10 million, but he held off in the hopes that tensions could be resolved without going to court. So far that's been avoided, but Kluwe has expressed his disgust with what the Vikings have given so far. After a six month investigation into Priefer and the organization, and a 150 page review, Priefer has been suspended for 2 games and a 29 page summary of that 150 page review has been released.

Oh yeah, and you've heard about some of Kluwe's not so appropriate actions as well, right? How he cut a hole in his pants and wore them around Tom Kanavy, the strength and conditioning coach for the Vikings and a former coach of Penn State, then told him to stay away while he was exposed? In a twitter response, Kluwe said he did make fun of Kanavy in that manner, but that it was only one time, and that other players continued to make similar jokes for another month. I have no idea what happens in locker rooms, but that seems somewhat hypocritical coming from a man whose activism and gay rights support is well known. Check out this great article that includes many of Kluwe's tweets:

I'm not quite sure where I stand on this issue. I can't abandon the Vikings. After all, one person or a small group doesn't make the team. The Minnesota Vikings are an entire organization made up of thousands of people. I really like Kluwe, but I question how much of what he's said is true. However, something is obviously going on, and I think Priefer definitely may have said some very inappropriate things. Then you get into more tweets from Kluwe, including one that said a couple Vikings players were "caught in a compromising situation with an underage girl". The Vikings are about a lot more than simply playing football, and I lose sight of that 98% of the time. These players and staff are people, and they have lives outside of football. What are they doing with those lives? I hope they aren't doing anything like Kluwe hints at. But I don't know, and I probably won't ever know. A report like that, more specifics at least, most likely won't be released to the media, meaning I'll never hear about it. 
So I'm back to where I started. The Vikings are my team, even though that was never up for debate. I thank Kluwe for the great play he provided the Vikings while he was here, and wish him luck in the future. I hope nothing too serious results from this situation, but I also hope and wish that those responsible get punished fairly. I would preferably see Priefer suspended for much longer, but I don't make those decisions. The 2014 season is coming fast, and I'm excited for football! Skol, Vikings!

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